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Sylan ski - Easter 2018

  • 29/03-03/04/19

A cold but stunning Easter ski trip with a friend around Sylan Massivet, criss-crossing the Swedish-Norwegian border.

Sylan ski camping adventure
Sylan Ski trip map

A five days skiing round Sylan with a friend.  We took inspiration from the 5 Stjärnor i Sylan ski route, but were wanting to camp most nights, so adjusted it to our needs.  We mixed following the permanently-marked winter trails and inventing our own routes.  We started at Storulvån Fjällstation, and skied west to our campsite on the Norwegian-Swedish border on the first night (where the temperature dropped at least to -25'C, possibly -30'C).  The next day we turned south and headed to the top of Fiskåhødga (the Norwegian side of a pair of peaks, the Swedish one helpfully called Fiskåhöjden), before descending to what probably classes as my most stunning ever campsite, where we were treated to a spectacular sunset.  We had decided to spend a night in Nedlashytta, so our third day was a relatively short ski, and had the afternoon relaxing around the cabin.  From there we followed the main trail through Ekorrdörren and north past Sylarnas Fjällstastion, camping a couple of kilometers north of it.  On our final day we returned to the car at Storulvån in time for lunch at the large hytta there.

We chose to do the trip with a single pulk between the two of us, switching who pulled it.  While this worked quite well (especially when switching frequently), we decided to always take two pulks on future trips.

The weather throughout the trip was stunning, with clear blue skies almost all day every day, but it was a cold Easter, however we were well equipped for the cold and had a fantastic time.  Already in the car home we started planning our next big trip, which became our 10-day expedition on Hardangervidda in 2019.

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